Chris is a Director of BRG and leads the company’s Māori strategy work.
He provides specialist Māori communication and strategy guidance, media and political advice and analysis.
Formerly an award-winning journalist and broadcaster, Chris has extensive networks within Māoridom and across business, the public service and the political sphere.
He has a particular ability to identify and analyse complex kaupapa Māori issues and make them digestible for non-Māori audiences.
Chris’s tribal affiliations are Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāpuhi and Pākehā. He brings an important perspective to all his work, providing advice to Māori organisations on how their views can be communicated effectively.
He provides advice to private and public organisations on how to engage with Māori at hapū, iwi, regional and national levels. Chris also provides government relations, media and crisis management support and has worked extensively in the housing and energy sectors.